Our comprehensive, holistic program is designed to promote each child’s intellectual, social, physical and emotional growth. To that end, we incorporate a wide range of weekly specials into our set curriculum to introduce our students to creative, physical, and stimulating activities beyond the classic classroom routine.


Throughout the day, children are engaged in the following activities:
The children gather together at circle time as we greet all our classmates. Our goal is to become a school family as we “check in” with one another. We begin early math readiness skills through our discussions about the day, month and year during calendar time.
The children are assigned a particular day where they are encouraged to bring an item from home to show and share with the class. The teacher or students will ask questions about their selection. It is through show and tell that children acquire expanded language skills and the class, as a whole, gains valuable listening skills as well. Your children will also begin to build self-confidence and self-esteem as they share their unique selections.
Play is a vehicle of growth for the young child. During free play, children learn to interact with each other and play cooperatively. Playtime affords a child the opportunity to share, think and to problem solve. Play is hard work for the 2, 3 and 4 year olds. A variety of toys in the classroom encourages children to use their wonderful imaginations and build upon their creative, dramatic play while developing their gross and fine motor skills.
Our students participate in outdoor and indoor activities. During gym time the children enjoy developing their large motor skills, further developing the eye/hand coordination and eye/foot coordination.
Music is the universal language in our classrooms! Our classrooms are equipped with musical instruments and opportunities for children to explore rhythm and song. The Early Childhood music selection includes CDs of popular children’s songs, classical music, modern pop, show tunes, instrumental, Hebrew and holiday music. The children in The Kinder Gan Preschool often participate in a parade using rhythm instruments as we march throughout our school! Your children will learn many, many songs during the course of the year.
The children will have an opportunity to explore their creativity using a variety of art media. Paints (including tempera, watercolors and biocolors), markers, crayons, colored pencils, tape, glue, scissors, glitter and felt are a few of the myriad of materials the children will experiment with in the classroom. It is important to remember that it is the process not the finished product that matters! We want your children to feel proud of their creations!
Preparing and celebrating Shabbat is a special time within the Early Childhood department. The children welcome Shabbat by singing the blessings over the candles, reciting the Kiddush-blessing over the wine (grape juice) and singing the motzee-prayer for eating bread over the Challah. Every child will have an opportunity to be a Shabbat Ima or Abba and bring a Kosher treat for the entire class.
Each Shabbat a child will be given a Shabbat Box to take home for the weekend. The box contains two Challahs, a candlestick and candle, and a journal. The families are asked to use this Box and to then write their comments about Shabbat in the Journal. The Box should be returned to our school on the following Monday.
The weekly Torah portion read in the synagogue is retold in story and play form throughout the week.
A child learns the importance of performing good deeds and Jewish traditions. We will seek to cultivate an appreciation for the observances and traditions that have been the backbone of Jewish society and culture. Tzedakah Activity – An important part of our program at our school is to develop an awareness and commitment to share with others who are less fortunate. Mitzvah Notes- which are read each day encourage the children to practice and improve on their good deeds.
Children will celebrate Jewish and National holidays with crafts, songs, plays, stories and much more. Each holiday is turned into a special educational experience and becomes a meaningful part of your child’s life.
We will welcome interesting visitors to our programs, such as doctors, police officers, fire prevention professionals, musicians, artists, members of the clergy, and a variety of other interesting individuals, who will talk with the preschool children about their professional interests or hobbies. Please inform the staff if you know of such a person since the children will really enjoy their participation in our programs
Explore the fascinating wonders of our physical world with engaging and interactive experiments! This class guides our students in hands-on exploration of specific science topics through fun experiments that are both engaging and interactive. Children will discover how science can help us to better understand the world around us.
Calming exercises help develop body awareness and enhance flexibility, strength and coordination. This class encourages self-esteem and body awareness with physical activity that is non-competitive. Our children learn techniques for self-health and relaxation, while enhancing their flexibility and concentration from a certified yoga instructor..